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​Can Cavaller

Plaza Mayor Nº 2

Vilaur 17483 Girona

Barcelona  125 Km -  Girona  25 Km -   Figueras 20 Km  -  La Escala   20 Km


​​​Granja  Ecuestre Can Sort

Ctr  Bàscara a San Miguel Km 2800

Bàscara 17483   Girona

 Getting there:
                    CAN SORT

Highway A-7 , Barcelona  to Gerona  , after  Gerona take Exit 5, go  head towards La Escala , in  Camallera roundabout, turn left towards Vilaur,   past Vilaur in the roundabout turn left towards Bàscara, Km 3 past about 150 meters you will find a detour to the left with little sign CAN SORT, take the dirt road and you will find the house at  900 mt.


 Getting there:
                    CAN CAVALLER

Highway A-7 , Barcelona  to Gerona  , after  Gerona take Exit 5, go  head towards La Escala , in  Camallera roundabout, turn left towards Vilaur.

Stop by the same road and you will find the entrance of the church square passng under astone arch .

          Plaza   Major Nº 2   


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